“Serpent and Lily” by Nikos Kazantzakis
A universally accessible show
Nikos Kazantzakis Museum (MNK) and the Region of Crete, with the kind support of Kazantzakis Publications, presented the performance “Serpent and Lily” at the Experimental Stage of the Cultural and Conference Center of Heraklion, on Saturday October 30, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. The show was free of charge and universally accessible, including an audio description for visually impaired persons, plus surtitles and sign interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing. It lasted 65 minutes, without intermission.
The performance “Serpent and Lily” was presented within the effort launched by the MNK to improve the accessibility to the author’s work, as well as to the Museum’s collections.
Cast and crew:
Text: Nikos Kazantzakis
Theatrical adaptation: Iro Bezou-Christos Thanos
Direction-Music: Christos Thanos
Stage sets-Costumes: Giorgos Lintzeris
Lighting: Kostas Bethanis
Graphic design: Giannis Kardassis
Sound & Light Management: Sotiris Douvris
Audio Description Script: Kerasia Michalopoulou
Handling of Surtitles: Christos Papamichael
Accessibility Services: Liminal-access to culture
Production: We-Collective Culture Group
Performed by: Iro Bezou, Christos Thanos
Interpretation in the Greek Sign Language: Androniki Xanthopoulou
Narration of Audio Description: Maria Thrasyvoulidi